Shop ZODIAC PLANTER ARIES 4"Store/GIFTS/CONTAINERS/SMALL PLANTERS (4-5 INCHES)C$24.00In stock: 5 available Add More Add to BagGo to CheckoutSave this product for later Favorite Favorited View FavoritesShare this product with your friendsShareSharePin itZODIAC PLANTER ARIES 4"Store/GIFTS/CONTAINERS/SMALL PLANTERS (4-5 INCHES)You May Also LikeMONSTERA DELICIOSA ‘ALBO LOW VARIEGATION’ (low variegation albo monstera) 6”MONSTERA DELICIOSA ‘ALBO LOW VARIEGATION’ (low variegation albo monstera) 6”C$304.00STETSONIA CORYNE (toothpick cactus) 2”STETSONIA CORYNE (toothpick cactus) 2”C$11.00AGLAONEMA 'RUSH NGRN' (Chinese evergreen) 4.5"AGLAONEMA 'RUSH NGRN' (Chinese evergreen) 4.5"C$94.00TRADESCANTIA FLUMINENSIS (inch plant) 4”.TRADESCANTIA FLUMINENSIS (inch plant) 4”.C$12.00CHAMAECYPARIS OBTUSA ‘SAFFRON SPRAY’ (saffron hinoki cypress) 4”CHAMAECYPARIS OBTUSA ‘SAFFRON SPRAY’ (saffron hinoki cypress) 4”C$12.00