Shop +2CLASSIC DARK GREY PLANTER 8"Store/GIFTS/CONTAINERS/LARGE PLANTERS (8-10 INCHES)C$26.00In stock: 1 available Add More Add to BagGo to CheckoutSave this product for later Favorite Favorited View FavoritesShare this product with your friendsShareSharePin itCLASSIC DARK GREY PLANTER 8"Store/GIFTS/CONTAINERS/LARGE PLANTERS (8-10 INCHES)You May Also LikeCEPHALOCEREUS SENILIS (old man cactus) 3.25”CEPHALOCEREUS SENILIS (old man cactus) 3.25”C$15.00MONSTERA DELICIOSA (swiss cheese plant) 14”MONSTERA DELICIOSA (swiss cheese plant) 14”C$280.00FITTONIA ‘JUANITA RED’ (nerve plant ‘Juanita Red’) 4” FITTONIA ‘JUANITA RED’ (nerve plant ‘Juanita Red’) 4” C$10.00SPATHIPHYLLUM WALLISII ‘SILVER’ (silver peace lily) 5”SPATHIPHYLLUM WALLISII ‘SILVER’ (silver peace lily) 5”C$40.00PHILODENDRON PAINTED LADY (painted lady philodendron) 4”PHILODENDRON PAINTED LADY (painted lady philodendron) 4”C$13.00