Shop +2CASHMERE MATTE VASE GREY 8"HStore/GIFTS/CONTAINERS/CERAMIC VASESC$20.00In stock: 5 available Add More Add to BagGo to CheckoutSave this product for later Favorite Favorited View FavoritesShare this product with your friendsShareSharePin itCASHMERE MATTE VASE GREY 8"HStore/GIFTS/CONTAINERS/CERAMIC VASESYou May Also LikeMONSTERA OBLIQUA (obliqua monstera) 3.5”MONSTERA OBLIQUA (obliqua monstera) 3.5”C$130.00NEPENTHES BLOODY MARY (pitcher plant) 4”NEPENTHES BLOODY MARY (pitcher plant) 4”C$17.00COFFEA ARABICA (coffee plant) 4”COFFEA ARABICA (coffee plant) 4”C$10.00PHILODENDRON TORTUM (tortum philodendron) 4”PHILODENDRON TORTUM (tortum philodendron) 4”C$19.00GOEPPERTIA CONCINNA ‘FREDDIE’ (Freddie calathea) 4”GOEPPERTIA CONCINNA ‘FREDDIE’ (Freddie calathea) 4”C$13.50